Aiming High

The ability to set clear, tangible goals and devise a robust route to achieving them

The ability to set achievable goals and to have a clear planto reaching  them

Rowing teaches our young people  the importance of aiming high through pushingthemselves on rowing machines and stepping outside of their comfort zone on thewater. The sport teaches them how to identify goals for themselves and to planeffectively to achieve them.  

By focusing on  these goals, they learn to pay attention to detail, take pride in the small achievements and have a positive approach to each challenge along the way.  

Rowing teaches participants how to choose their own path, whether it is continuing to compete at different levels or having the confidence to step into leadership positions at their club or school. 

What our partners have to say about

Aiming High

How Aiming High works for Andy
This website has been built around the The Skills Builder Universal Framework, Ravenscroft, T.M. (2020), Skills Builder Universal Framework of Essential Skills, London: Skills Builder Partnership at

Charity Number: 1122941. Company Number: 06243293. Royal Docks Adventure, 1012 Dockside Road, London, E16 2QT.
Tel: 0203 356 7178